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How A Three Species Rotation Is Helpful To The Environment
There is a lot of talk about how livestock is bad for the environment… carbon emissions, topsoil erosion, cow farts, and the list goes on and on. I am not here to debunk these statements but rather shed light on a different perspective. When done the right way,...
How To Power Cook 3 Meals Using A Whole Chicken
While I love cooking and having family centered around the kitchen, I'm also very aware that there are not enough hours in my day to cook three meals. In this article I share how a whole chicken prepped once a week can give us three meals. Let me share how to power...
How To Freeze And Use Whole Turkeys Throughout The Year
The Sunday before Thanksgiving marks an important day at What the Farm. It’s the END of “processing season” (praise Jesus!) After 8 full days of taking the chicken from the pasture to the freezer, we are ready for a break. This year we kept 5 whole turkeys (not...
4 Reasons To Practice Regenerative Farming For Your Livestock
A lot of people ask us why we farm the way we do… and what's regenerative farming? It seems like a lot of work moving chickens, sheep, and turkeys every day. When we started, I agreed. Do we really need to move them after just one day? Why can’t we give them more...
Grocery Budget: A Simple Lesson For Kids
This month the kids are in charge of the grocery budget. Each week, they have $75 to buy the groceries we need for the week (we have our freezers stocked with pork, chicken, and beef so we don’t need tons of stuff). We hit the farm stands first and then head to the...
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